Salve The Soul With Love

We are pleased to present our Rose Vanelle salve with a base of beeswax, vanilla-infused castor oil, and rose and jojoba oils.  The fragrance of it is intoxicating.  We believe it to be the best rose-vanilla salve in the world!

Dress was worn by the Duchess of the Rose Growers, Alexis Smith. Winn Morton is the designer. Texas Rose Festival 2019.

Dress was worn by the Duchess of the Rose Growers, Alexis Smith. Winn Morton is the designer. Texas Rose Festival 2019.

For background on the metabolic benefits of castor oil and beeswax, please refer to Simple Salve.  See references below.

The orchid is the broadest group of flowering plants in the world, and vanilla is the only edible fruit in the orchid family.

The use of vanilla dates back to the Olmec civilization, possibly as early as 1500 B.C..  The first known cultivated source of vanilla was around the city of Papantla, Mexico, in about 1500 A.D.  There the Totonacan Indians dried their vanilla beans in the city center, and with a sweet essence filling the air, Papantla was called ‘the city that perfumed the world.’  Vanilla is native to this region.

There isn’t much in writing about Vanilla from this time, but we do have a Totonacan legend.  In the Land of the Resplendent Moon, two young lovers, Young Deer and Morning Star, were executed for their forbidden love, and from their blood sprang the vanilla orchid.

Perhaps we need dream like tales to explain the beauty, complexity, and depth of our own lives.  Maybe they are archetypal remembrances, written into our DNA.  There are similar mythical tales written about the origin of the rose.

Vanilla and Roses have what are called vanilloids. Vanilloid is a derivation of the word vanilla. Our body has receptors for it, called TRPV1 receptors, and these are pain receptors. Vanilloids latch onto these receptors and turn them off, so we are relieved of pain.

Over time, the telomere’s of DNA can shorten, almost as if the cells get lazy and start taking shortcuts, sending out half-baked product. Studies show that vanilloids can lengthen the DNA of our cells back to their original form.

Get young again from the Rose Vanelle salve!

Through the ages, human kind has toiled to define the rose in literature, motifs, myths, religions, rituals, and celebrations.

Psyche: A Modern Rock Opera.  Directed by Michael Matthews.

Psyche: A Modern Rock Opera. Directed by Michael Matthews.

 “A rose does not preach - it simply spreads its fragrance."  Gandhi

 “Rose oil restores hearts that have gone, and brings back withered souls." Emperor Jahangir of India – 1600’s

 “Rose is the only thing you can take with you when you die, because it’s not of this world.”  An Old Persian saying

 “The first rose is created from the blood of Psyche (Soul) when she loses her virginity to Cupid (Love.)  Ancient Greece – 500 B.C.

A 4th-century poem, Cupid Crucified by Ausonius, has Cupid tortured in the underworld by goddesses disappointed in love, and the blood from his wounds causes roses to grow.  

 In Ancient Rome, rose celebrations were called Rosalia, meaning celebration of the rose.  The word rosary derives from ‘a crown of roses.’  For the past 1400 years, one day a year, rose petals are dropped through the occulus of the Pantheon, and it’s called the “Raining of the Petals.”  The world over celebrates the rose in festivals, and parades, and uses it to celebrate our beloved, in life and death.

 Rose oil is an antioxidant of the highest order.  The varied compounds and oils contained with in it make it difficult to scientifically analyze.  In an analogy, “We can dissect a dead life form, but we scientifically know nothing of what drove the life force of it.”  I believe the rose compares to this, as the whole of it is so much greater than the sum of the parts.

 Historically, pound for pound, rose oil sells for about the same price as gold.

Rosicrucianism is a mysterious doctrine from the 1600’s that holds hidden truths from the ancient past, which provide insight into nature, the physical universe, and the spiritual realm.  The Free Masons and the Royal Society of London, and their iconography, have roots in this discipline.

Roses and vanilla, both flowering plants, have legendary tales of love and grief entwined with their very creation.

The 2019 Texas Rose Festival Court.

The 2019 Texas Rose Festival Court.

 Since 1933, the Texas Rose Festival has honored the rose, and those associated with its fantastical, magical qualities of time and place.  Let us all stop and smell the roses.

The Tyler Texas Rose Association has spread the beauty of roses throughout America, not by selling cut flowers, but by affordably selling dormant rose bushes; allowing every household and gardener in the country to celebrate their own gardens and the beauty of the rose.

 At VanCoction, we are proud to be part of the long history of rose celebrations, with  Rose Vanelle salve first carried by the Tyler Rose Museum, in Tyler Texas.

Albert Wilking


TheVanCoction Simple Salve and metabolic benefits of it

Texas Rose Festival and The Tyler Rose Museum

Activation of the Human Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Subtype 1 by Essential Oils


The Legend of Vanilla

Discovery and development of TRPV1 antagonists

Vanilla Struggles to Survive in Mexico

Understanding the Hidden Secrets of Vanilla



Cupid and Psyche

Cultural & Historical Impact of Rose Oils

Rose Oil

Rose Oil and the Oracs Scale (An anti-oxidant rating system)

What Are ORAC Values


Chandigarh Rose Festival